We can provide accounting services yearly, quarterly and monthly according to your requirements. The services can be ranged from bookkeeping to management report depending upon your needs and preference. You may have your own bookkeepers or accounts clerks, and outsource the supervisory duties to us or vice versa.
It is a “must” activity for each company in keeping its records and accounts as required under the Inland
Revenue Ordinance in Hong Kong. As a new start up company, usually you will concentrate on your core business
activities to maximize your revenue and profit. Our accounting outsourcing services package provides a peace
of mind service to fit your requirements.
The accounting outsourcing services may include:
- Prepare payment instructions by cheque and e-banking
- Perform bookkeeping
- Prepare Income Statement and Balance Sheet
- Prepare supporting schedules for annual audit
- Generate aging report for accounts receivable and accounts payable
- Prepare aging report for inventory
- Prepare management accounting report with analysis
- Perform tax computation
- Liaison with external auditors
- Provide professional advice on accounting and tax